Saturday, June 6, 2020

June 7,2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 7,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

In Need of Rescue

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

 In Need of Rescue

Faith Waits
Philippians 3:20-21

Oh Freedom: When Spider Web Unite

  The Greatest Source of Power

The Greatest Source of Power

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     


Friday, June 5, 2020

June 6,2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 6,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

Impossible Forgiveness

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

 Impossible Forgiveness


Resisting Revenge
Romans 12:14

Oh Freedom: Lord, Break My Chanins

"Work Out" What God "Works In" You

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     


Thursday, June 4, 2020

June 5,2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 5,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

A Blind Man's Plea

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

 A Blind Man's Plea

  Getting Through The Day
Ephesians 3:20-21

Oh Freedom: Freed, Indeed!

The Never-forsaking God
God's Assurance

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

June 4,2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 4,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

You Have Purpose

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

 You Have Purpose

  See The Whole Truth
2 Corinthians 4:18

Oh Freedom: Freedom by Faith 

The Never-forsaking God
The Never -forsaking God

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June 3,2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 3,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

Sacred Gathering

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

 Sacred Gathering

  Loving One Another
Hebrews 13:1-2

Oh Freedom: Oh,Victory 

The Secret of the LORD

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     


Monday, June 1, 2020

June 2,2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 2,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

Chosen To Forgive

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

 Chosen To Forgive

  Thank You, God!
Psalm 72:18-19

Oh Freedom: Sing The Freedom Songs

Are You Obsessed by Something?
Are You Obsessed by Something?

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     


Sunday, May 31, 2020

June 1,2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 1,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

Needing His Leading

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

 Needing His Leading

  Suffering Ahead?
1 Peter 4:12

Oh Freedom: Celebration

The Staggering Question
The Staggering Question

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     
