Saturday, June 13, 2020

June 14,2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 14,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

Quieting the Critic

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

Quieting The Critic 

Jesus First
Matthew 10: 34-39

Stand Strong: What Do The Experts Say?

Get Moving! (1)

Get Moving! (1)

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     


Friday, June 12, 2020

June 13,2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 13,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

Longing In Stone

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

Longing In Stone

We Need Each Other
Philippians 2:4

Stand Strong: Heart Of Christ

Getting There (3)

Getting There (3)

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     


Thursday, June 11, 2020

June 12, 2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 12,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

Together We Win

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

Together We Win

Love You More
Romans 5:8

Stand Strong: God's Compass

Getting There (2)

Getting There (2)

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

June 11,2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 11,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

Advice From My Father

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

Trust in the Lord" The Meaning of Proverbs 3:5-6 | Lord's Guidance
Advice From My Father

When Wisdom Brings Calm
Proverbs 29:11

Stand Strong: Intimate Details

Getting There (1)

Getting There (1)

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

June 10,2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 10,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

Sharing Slices

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

Image may contain: ocean, sky, text, outdoor and water
 Sharing Slices

God Has The Power
Nahum 1:2-8

Stand Strong: Minister of Reconciliation

And After That What’s Next To Do?
And After That What's Next To Do?

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     


Monday, June 8, 2020

June 9,2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 9,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

Our Reason For Joy

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

 Our Reason For Joy

When God Yells
Proverbs 1:20

Oh Freedom: Anthem of Hope

Then What’s Next To Do?
What's Next To Do?

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     


Sunday, June 7, 2020

June 8,2020 Journey of Life, Discovery, and Recovery

June 8,2020 Journey of Life,

Discovery, and Recovery:

Knocking Down Pins

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 
Journey of Life, 
  Discovery, and Recovery

                  Today's offerings are:

Image may contain: outdoor
 Knocking Down Pins

God's Word Last Forever
Matthew 24:35

Oh Freedom: More Than A Victim

What’s Next To Do?
What's Next To Do?

     As always, "Blessings on you
     all and safe travels on your 
     of life and recovery     
