Friday, January 15, 2021


 Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 

 Journey of Life, Discovery and Recovery

   Today's Offerings Are:

1 Samuel 17:42
The Book of Sadness
Lamentations 3:22-25

As always, "Blessings on you all and     
safe travels on your of life and recovery     


"Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start."

"A decision is made with the brain. A commitment is made with the heart. Therefore, a commitment is much deeper and more binding than a decision."

Nido Qubien      

Thursday, January 14, 2021

What's In The Bank?

 Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 

 Journey of Life, Discovery and Recovery

   Today's Offerings Are:

What's In The Bank?
Hebrews 4:16

As always, "Blessings on you all and     
safe travels on your of life and recovery     


"Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start."

"A decision is made with the brain. A commitment is made with the heart. Therefore, a commitment is much deeper and more binding than a decision."

Nido Qubien                  

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Plight of the Crawdads

  Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 

 Journey of Life, Discovery and Recovery

   Today's Offerings Are:

 The Plight of the Crawdads
1Thessalonians 5:15
"Why Do You Call Me Good?"
Mark 10:18

As always, "Blessings on you all and     
safe travels on your of life and recovery     


"Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start."

"Whenever you are, whatever your circumstances may be, whatever misfortune you may have suffered, the music of your life has not gone. It’s inside you if you listen to it, you can play it."

Monday, January 11, 2021

Jesus Is Right Behind You

 Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 

 Journey of Life, Discovery and Recovery

   Today's Offerings Are:

 Jesus Is Right Behind You
Matthew 25:40

As always, "Blessings on you all and     
safe travels on your of life and recovery     


"Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start."

"Whenever you are, whatever your circumstances may be, whatever misfortune you may have suffered, the music of your life has not gone. It’s inside you if you listen to it, you can play it."

"A decision is made with the brain. A commitment is made with the heart. Therefore, a commitment is much deeper and more binding than a decision."

Nido Qub                      

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Lift Up Your Eyes

  Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 

 Journey of Life, Discovery and Recovery

   Today's Offerings Are:

 Lift Up Your Eyes
Psalm 121:2

As always, "Blessings on you all and     
safe travels on your of life and recovery     


"Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start."

"Whenever you are, whatever your circumstances may be, whatever misfortune you may have suffered, the music of your life has not gone. It’s inside you if you listen to it, you can play it."

"A decision is made with the brain. A commitment is made with the heart. Therefore, a commitment is much deeper and more binding than a decision."

Nido Qub