Friday, July 17, 2020

July 18,2020 Journey of Life,Discovery, and Recovery

July 18,2020 Journey of Life,Discovery, and Recovery:

When the Splendor is Gone

Good Day, Fellow Travelers on the 

Journey Of Life, Discovery and Recovery  

    Today's offerings are:

When the Splendor is Gone

Ecclesiastes 3 - NIV Bible - There is a time for everything, and a ...
From Season To Season
Ecclesiastes 3:2-4

Hope and Strength in Times of Illness: Witness From A Wheelchair              

Faithful In Christ — John 4:23-24 (NKJV) But the hour is coming ...

The Mystery of Believing

The Mystery of Believing

As always, "Blessings on you all and safe travels on your of life and recovery     


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